SofLens® 66 Toric for Astigmatism
Availability: In Stock
SofLens® 66 Toric from Bausch and Lomb is a two-week replacement contact lens designed to meet the special needs of people with astigmatism.
The SofLens® 66 Toric contact lens has a unique design that is easy to wear. It provides clear vision, and exceptional comfort consistently day after day. After two weeks, throw your lenses away and start over with a fresh pair.
Usage: 2-week disposable soft contact lenses
Packaging: 6 lenses per box
Lens Type: Biweekly | Toric (for Astigmatism)
Material: Alphafilcon A 34%
Water Content: 66%
Oxygen Permeability: 32 Dk/t
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Buy 4 for $374.00 SGD (Save $46)